Clubs & Committees

Besides academic development, it is very essential to imbibe human values & leadership qualities in every child. Anmol believes that students learn and imbibe these qualities only through regular practices. Therefore the following clubs have been created to provide students a platform to develop these qualities. Every student will be member of one of these clubs and will get involved actively in its activities.

The following are the activities of these clubs

Language clubs (Kannada & English)

  • To write articles to school newsletter and to other newspapers
  • To interact with ‘Resourceful people’ on language related issues
  • To organize debate, pick & speak and quiz activities for all students
  • To organize handwriting improvement classes for the students.
  • To organize special coaching classes in grammar.

Science & Mathematics club

  • To develop science related experiments and models for science exhibitions in school and for competitions outside
  • To compete in National level children’s science conference
  • To teach fundamentals in Maths to the needy students. 
  • To organize seminars from experts on various science & technology.

Library club

  • To organize ‘Book Talks’ for / by the students
  • To organize Quiz on General knowledge
  • To prepare school monthly Newsletter ‘Kids –world’
  • To prepare Annual School Magazine ‘Amulya’
  • To organize interaction with resourceful people on various Books.

Eco club

  • To celebrate ‘Environmental Day’ by planting tree saplings
  • To prepare vermi –composting in the campus
  • To grow vegetables and medicinal plants in the school farm
  • To develop waste management system in the campus
  • To adopt a village or an area in a city and to transform the same into a model village of model ward.

Sports Club

  • To organize sports events every month
  • To organize coaching classes for all the games
  • To organize medical check up camps
  • To organize Yoga classes
  • To organize ‘Parents sports’ event and ‘Annual sports’ for students.

Cultural Club

  • To organize Cultural events every Month
  • To organize dance classes for students by expert Choreographers
  • To organize skit and stage plays in the school
  • To prepare and send students for cultural competitions outside
  • To organize talent search event to recognize hidden talents of students
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